Τρίτη 22 Μαρτίου 2011



In 604 BC the King of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, saw an awesome statue in a dream.

The head of the statue was of gold,

The chest and arms of silver,

The waist and thighs of copper

and the feet of iron mixed with shells.

As Nebuchadnezzar was watching, a rock was cut out of a mountain and fell on the feet of statue and smashed it totally.

This rock became a great mountain, and covered the whole earth.

Prophet Daniel explained that the golden head of the statue symbolizes Nebuchadnezzar and defines him as the first king of world domination, and his kingdom, the Chaldean, or Neo-Babylonian, as the first global kingdom.

After that a second global kingdom, symbolized by the silver chest, will arise.
The kingdom of Medes and Persians who in 538 b.c. defeated the Babylonians.

Next, a third global kingdom, symbolized by the copper waist which will rule over the whole earth and is the kingdom of the Greeks who conquered Medes and Persians in 331 BC spreading to the ends of earth the model of Greek cosmopolitan life.

Fourth and last one is a kingdom symbolized by the iron mixed with shells feet.

In this kingdom the people of earth will be mixed as mixed is the iron with shell, the strong ones will crush the weak, like the iron crushes the shell. No one will build relationships with others just as the iron does not stick with shell. This is the superstate that is prepared by globalization, presently is named Expanding European Union and will be completed when all the states of the world become members.
In those days the second coming will take place that will destroy the earthly kingdoms, just as the rock destroyed the statue, and will bring the heavenly kingdom.


In 555 BC in Babylon, Prophet Daniel saw a vision of four different beasts emerging from the sea.
The first was like a lioness with eagle wings, the second like a bear, the third like a leopard with four wings and four heads and the fourth was the most terrifying of them all.
It had ten horns on its head. Three of them were uprooted as another horn sprung which turned out eyes and a mouth saying arrogant words.
Then the fiery throne of God appeared and the Judgement Day came.
All authorities were removed from the beasts and were eternally given to the Son of man.
An angel explained to the prophet Daniel that the four beasts symbolize respectively the four global empires that will occur on earth before the heavenly kingdom;
i.e. the Chaldean, the Median-Persian, the Greek and the currently developing globalization.
However the third global empire, Greek, will appear in four forms, like the leopard has four heads.
First as Macedonian, second as Seleucid, third as Ptolemaic and fourth as Roman Empire.
The angel also said that the last global empire, now being built through the expansion of the European Union will surpass any previous atrocity and will destroy the whole earth.
It will be established by ten kings symbolized by the ten horns. These will become the owners of the planet when all privatizations, foreclosures and financial mergers are completed.
At the highest throne of the empire will sit another king symbolized by the horn which turned out eyes and mouth.
He will dethrone three of the ten kings and will rule for three and a half years, destroying the earth and mankind.
Then the Judgement Day will come eliminating every temporal kingdom bringing forth the eternal Kingdom.


In 553 BC The Prophet Daniel saw a vision that he was in Ubal River and near the river stood a powerful ram which had two horns on his head and one of them horns was much taller than the other horn.
No animal dared to fight against him, until a goat appeared with a huge horn between his eyes.
He fell with all his momentum on the ram thereby crashing it and became great and glorious.
But as the goat was at the height of his fame, the big horn fell off and in its place four horns rose up toward the four cardinal points.
From one of them horns another horn sprung up and expanded its power everywhere and to the south and east, reaching the strength of the sky.
It threw the forces and the stars of sky down to the earth trampling them for 1150 days.
The Archangel Gabriel explained to Daniel that the ram represents the throne of Median -Persian global empire and the goat represents the throne of Greek global empire.
The great horn of the goat is the first king of the Greeks, Alexander of Macedon.
After his death four other thrones will be set up from the Greek nation.
I.e. the remaining three Greek global empires, which succeeded the Macedonian empire, set up four thrones symbolized by the four horns of the goat.
The northbound horn symbolizes the throne of the Seleucid global empire.
The southbound horn symbolizes the throne of the Ptolemaic global empire.
The westbound horn symbolizes the throne of the Western Roman and the eastbound horn symbolizes the throne of the Eastern Roman global empire.
Once the Power and the Sin of those 4 thrones come to the full, from one of the thrones will arise a despicable king who will cause tremendous problems.
When he will seat on the throne of the last global empire his power and strength will be unsurpassed. Because he will have control of the ultimate weapon system «Play Station 7» through which he could literally crush mankind like an egg in his hand.
And this will last for 1150 days.
(Note here that while all global empires are seven the thrones that erect are eight)


The evangelist John is moved spiritually by an angel in a desolate place where he sees a prostitute named "Babylon".
She was sitting on many waters riding on a red beast which was full of blasphemy names and had seven heads and ten horns.
The angel tells John that the beast, which means the global empires, it existed but not anymore.
But momentarily it will rise up from the abyss and towards doom it will go.
The seven heads of the beast symbolize the seven mountains on which the prostitute sits.
Ie symbolize the seven global empires from which six existed in the past.
Now none exists but through the state-economic consolidation the seventh and last is being prepared and it will go to perdition.
The seven heads also symbolize the seven kings out of them five have fallen. One still remains and the other has not come yet.
Ie symbolize the respective seven thrones out of which only the five have fallen.
The throne of the 6th global empire, the Roman, remains.
At fourth AD century the Roman global empire disguised as a Christian and apart from the political throne established also a religious one.
The political throne fell on 476AD at Rome and on 1453AD at New Rome.
While the religious throne still remains today.
The Pope of Rome in the West and the Patriarch of New Rome in the East.
And the last throne has not yet been set.
And the beast that was, and is not (regarding the Kings) plus the last king is eighth.
The Roman Empire had two thrones -one in Rome and another in New Rome.
Counting all thrones of the global empire that existed and now does not plus the throne of the last empire the result is eight.
And this eighth throne will originate from one of the previous seven thrones i.e. from the remaining throne of Pope/Rome and Patriarch/New Rome.

The ten horns symbolize the ten Kings-owners who will acquire domination along with the global empire establishment.
They will hand over unanimously their power to the high King who will come from the throne of the pope and the patriarch.
And all of them will fight against Christ but will be defeated.

The waters on which the prostitute sits symbolize the peoples of the earth.

The harlot Babylon symbolizes the corrupt society which always occupies the positions of the pyramidal hierarchy being created whenever a kingdom occurs.
Thus the world of corruption reigns all over the earth.

The ten kings – co-rulers and the high King will hate this corrupt world through which they rose to prominence.

They will massacre and will burn it.
Because the ultimate authority has been given to the high king, he will attempt to kill all mankind using the PLAYSTATION 7.


St. John is in spirit at the sea and sees a beast coming out with ten horns and seven heads.

This beast symbolizes the seventh and last global empire that will occur on earth which now does not exist but it will appear.

Over the ten horns are ten crowns and on the heads names of blasphemy are written.

The ten crowned horns symbolize the ten owners of the planet who will rule the last global empire.

The seven heads indicate the seven appearances of the global empire which by naming its kings "God, Divine, Holiness, Great High Priest, etc was blaspheming God.

The beast looks like leopard, its feet look like bear’s and his mouth like a lion’s, that means it will be a state that will arise after the unification of all states of the earth and will be given the power, the throne and the rule of evil.

One of the seven heads was fatally wounded but was healed and the whole earth marvelled and followed the beast.

The wounded head symbolizes the sixth appearance of the global empire that was the Roman instance.

There was a division into east and west and then it disintegrated and disappeared.

However since 1957 when the Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community and then the European Union, the pieces began to gather and thus the Roman Empire returns omnipotent and all states seek to become members.

The people worship evil and also worship the global empire watching in awe its omnipotence.

The global empire will blaspheme God and will fight for 42 months against the people of God. It will be then when the patience and the faith of the saints will be revealed.

The evangelist sees a second beast coming this time from the mainland; it has two horns like a lamb but speaks like a dragon.

The beast symbolizes the throne of the last global empire that is something that already exists.

The healing of the sixth head of the beast apart from the revival of the Roman empire also means the reunification of its divided and still remaining throne - Pope and Patriarch.

After their meeting in 1964 Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras revoked the excommunication decrees lifting the anathema.

And soon after processes begun for the uniting of the churches.

The end result will be the one and only throne for the resurrected Roman empire.

The Roman Emperor who will sit on this throne will be also the global religious leader and he will present himself as the incarnation of Christ but he will be the incarnation of the antichrist.

He will undertake to exercise all the power of the first beast, ie the global empire, and make the earth to worship the revival of the Roman empire after 16 centuries of fragmentation.

And he will do terrible things using satellite technology, such as bringing down fire from the sky in front of people.

Using tricks he will deceive mankind on behalf of the empire and will persuade the people to build an “image” of the wounded and resurrected empire.

He will make them to build and interconnect a Global Cyber Machine.

All networks will be connected in one ultimate network: «INTERNET 7» and all computers will be replaced by a world computer by the name «THERION».

Through this Cyber Machine, which according to the vision is called "image of the beast", the global empire will obtain audiovisual data from every part of the world.

He will be allowed to give spirit to the image of the beast, so the image can speak and do what it takes to kill those who do not worship it.

The antichrist will program the Cyber Machine in such way so as to recognize and eliminate whoever does not worship it.

He will accomplish it because he will force on everyone to bear on the right hand or on the forehead a radio tag, which is simply the evolution of the current mobile phone, say the 7th-generation mobile phone.

And through which they will be constantly online with the THERION and only in that way they will be able to do any transaction.

This radio tag is named "Mark" at the vision.

Inscribed on it will be the personal ID number of the connected person, in bar code form [Bar Code], as already implemented on all products.

All barcodes are surrounded by 3 digitalized sixes so as to be read from the network scanners.

The 3 sixes is the common feature of all barcodes and only with a “666” the world computer THERION hears them.

This is the reason that the 666 is also called “the name of the beast” (THERION) or “the number of his name.”

The Global Cyber Machine will be programmed to detect and kill everyone who is without a connection.

Accepting the connection means becoming a peripheral more for the Machine and therefore easy targets for extermination by the PLAYSTATION-7.

The Antichrist will use it for total annihilation because he is against at all except himself.

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